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Capitalism in the Colonies: African Merchants in Lagos, 1851–1931
Author: A. G. Hopkins    Year: 2024    Type: New Publications

Author: Eric Schatzberg    Year: 2024    Type: New Publications

A History of Modern Greek Economic Thought
Author: Michalis Psalidopoulos    Year: 2024    Type: New Publications

Οι εργάτες Τύπου της Αθήνας (1933-1967)
Author: Αθηνά Ζηζοπούλου    Year: 2024    Type: New Publications

200 χρόνια ελληνικής οικονομίας: μεταξύ κράτους και αγοράς
Author: Ανδρέας Κακριδής (επιμ.)    Year: 2024    Type: New Publications

Ο εμπορικός και πολεμικός στόλος κατά την Ελληνική Επανάσταση (1821-1831)
Author: Κατερίνα Γαλάνη, Τζελίνα Χαρλαύτη (επιμ.)    Year: 2024    Type: New Publications

Aspects of Ottoman Economy and Culture: Papers presented at the 24th Symposium of the Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes (CIÉPO)
Author: Phokion Kotzageorgis & Dimitris Papastamatiou (eds.)    Year: 2024    Type: New Publications

Industry and labour movement in Patras during the 20th century. Transformations in the Metapolitefsis environment (1974 - 1990).
Author: Ασημάκης Παλαιολόγος    Year: 2024    Type: Dissertations

"Disputes over pastures in the nineteenth-century Balkans"
Author: Fatma Öncel    Year: 2024    Type: Articles in scientific journals

"A Poor but Efficient Crop: Supply-Side Responses in the Greek Tobacco Sector, 1953-64"
Author: Tryfonas Lemontzoglou, Juan Carmona-Zabala    Year: 2024    Type: Articles in scientific journals
