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The Historical Review X (2013) / La Revue Historique X (2013), with a special issue: “Responding to Economic Crises in Historical Perspective, nineteenth and twentieth centuries”

Department of Neohellenic Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens 2013
Τύπος: Επιλεγμένη βιβλιογραφία

Table of Contents

Special Section Responding to Economic Crises in Historical Perspective, nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Maria Christina Chatziioannou

Crises and Merchant Networks in the nineteenth century: The Case of German Networks in Lombardy, Monika Poettinger

War, Crisis and Sovereign Loans: The Greek War of Independence and British Economic Expansion in the 1820s, Maria Christina Chatziioannou

The Crisis of the Long 1850s and Regime Change in the Ionian State and the Kingdom of Greece, Sakis Gekas

L’économie agricole grecque face à la longue crise de la première globalisation, Socrate D. Petmezas

Fighting the Financial Crisis in Greece: The Privileged Company to Protect Production and Trade in Currants (1905) as International Bank Cooperation, Korinna Schönhärl

Rebuilding the Future: C. A. Doxiadis and the Greek Reconstruction Effort (1945-1950), Andreas Kakridis


Old Tunes, New Tones: (Re-)Defining the “Phanariot Verses” of the Greek Enlightenment, Julia Chatzipanagioti-Sangmeister

Romanticism and Politics: from Heinrich Heine to Carl Schmitt – and Back Again, Pericles S. Vallianos

Watchtowers, Mastic Contraband and Rural Communities in the Aegean Archipelago under Ottoman Sovereignty, Dimitrios G. Ierapetritis

Greeks in the Russian Empire and their Role in the Development of Trade and Shipping in the Black and Azov Seas (nineteenth early twentieth centuries), Oleksei Shliakhov

A “Dynasty” of Hellenists in twentieth-century Bucharest: Demosthene Russo, Ariadna Camariano-Cioran and Nestor Camariano, Leonidas Rados

Critical Perspectives

Basil C. Gounaris, “See how the Gods Favour Sacrilege”: English Views and Politics on Candia under Siege (1645-1669), Yannis Spyropoulos

Pierre Briant, Alexandre des Lumières. Fragments d’histoire européenne, Tolias George

Stan Draenos, Andreas Papandreou: The Making of a Greek Democrat and Political Maverick, Sotiris Rizas

The Historical Review X (2013) is on open access


